Web Services for Java Developers
Hi there, This new course focuses on what web services are, and how to create them with Java and its frameworks (Spring and JEE). As this is a new page, not all chapters are fully available yet. We will be releasing every part in the coming two weeks. We have added the current release dates […]
Web Development for Beginners intro to JavaScript

Dive into the modern world of web creation with our comprehensive “Web Development for Beginners intro to JavaScript” course. Whether you’re new to the tech scene or looking to refresh your skills, this course offers a detailed, up-to-date introduction to the essential aspects of JavaScript in web development. Highlights: What You Will Need To ensure […]
Power BI – Uitbreiding Dimi
Spring Boot Advanced: Microservices, Spring Cloud & More
Java Evolution: Level Up and Migrate to the Latest LTS Version
Microsoft 365
ICT4U – Development

Spring Data JPA: Easy Data Access in Your Enterprise Application

Are you ready to take your Spring development skills to the next level? Welcome to “Spring Data JPA,” the course designed to catapult you into the world of efficient data access and management with Spring Data JPA. Highlights: This course is designed for learners who have a solid foundation in Java and Spring and are […]
Spring REST: Building a Back-End RESTful API for Full-Stack Web Apps
Spring MVC: Building Full-Stack Web Apps with Spring Web

SQL for Beginners: An Intro to Relational Databases

Angular for Beginners: An Intro to a Powerful JS Framework
Are you ready to take your Angular development skills to the next level? Welcome to “Angular Dependency Injection and Directives,” the course designed to catapult you into the world of efficient component interaction and dynamic content rendering with Angular. Highlights: This course is designed for learners who have a solid foundation in HTML/CSS and JavaScript or TypeScript and […]
TypeScript: An Intro to the Language of Modern Web Development
Software Testing in Java: An Introduction to JUnit and TDD

Get started with software testing in Java with our comprehensive course, designed for beginners as well as those looking to refresh their testing skills, offering a deep dive into the world of JUnit and Test-Driven Development (TDD). Highlights: What You Will Need To ensure a seamless learning experience, participants should have:
Spring & Spring Boot: An Introduction to the Most Popular Java Framework for Building Enterprise Applications

Ready to take your Java skills to the next level? Welcome to “Spring & Spring Boot Mastery.” Building on the strong foundation laid by our “Java Advanced” and Java Enterprise courses, this e-learning journey will transform you into a Spring and Spring Boot expert. Highlights: This course is tailor-made for learners who’ve already mastered Java […]
MicroProfile: An Introduction to a Java Enterprise Microservices Framework
Java for Beginners: A Complete Introduction to Java Programming
Design Patterns for a Clean Coder in Java
JPA with Hibernate: Java’s ORM for Enterprise Database Connectivity